The woke crowd can’t stop playing victim, pretending to be oppressed is their obsession it gives them a false sense of purpose.
Apparently bombarding straight white people with 24/7 trans alphabet propaganda has taught them nothing. We need to have everyday a fucking trannie day. Until trannies rule the country. The way it should be. The original founders.
Never forget the 6 million trans people killed by white supremacist anti vaxxers

Today is Trans Day Of Remembrance (a day designed for Pedos), where we remember the 6 million trans people who have died from far-right trans hate. We also spit and laugh in the faces of veterans and disabled when we do it. We must celebrate every trannie. This includes trans inventors and explorers that built and found the America way back in 1776. It was all black and Trans people and the credit is far over due and we are sick of white people denying it always and claiming they did it. On this special day make sure you remind all white people that it is their FUCKING FAULT and they owe you money.

We also commit to fighting homophobia, biphobia, BIPOCphobia, and GeorgeFloydphobia. As long as this day makes you feel guilty for being straight or white, it’s a success.
On this #TransDayOfRemembrance let’s remember that some “trans people” are trans because their parents decided they should be. Most people that listened to Tupac in the 90’s and watched Saved by The Bell have came out as Trans Sexual. They also follow what ever the media tells them. They support Palestine. Because the TV told them too. Israel makes their Trannie drugs and wants them to be Trans and are supportive. The Palestinians would murder every single trans and homosexual on sight. Yet they still defend them🤡

Audrey Hale was killed just because it was trans sexual and nothing else, evil white cops ran up to her and shot her dead for no reason other than she identified as trans sexual. This needs to stop and we as a society need to have her statue replace the Lincoln Memorial. This way we know the important roles trans play in forming our great civilization.

They Are Absolutely Disgusting And Sickening To Be Around

This Is Just Getting Fucking Ridiculous