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The Krassentstein Sisters

October 21st, 2024 Listen to the Annoying Jew Voice. That sounds like something (probably a cock) is in his mouth when he talks.

Trump Victory Liberal Meltdowns

There sure is a lot of people with nose rings crying right now. THE CONTRAST OF APPERANACE OF CONSERVATIVE WOMEN COMPARED TO THEIR LIBERAL COUNTERPARTS IS AMAZING. They are not…

My Period Blood! Why The Fuck Does It Smell So Bad: A Diary Entry By Chrystia Freeland

Freeland thought that she could cover up the smell of her nasty vagina by just importing more people from India and Pakistan. No one is buying the lie anymore Chrystia!…

Canadian Liberals

March 5th, 2024

America’s Southern Border Crisis

Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, has been bussing migrants from his state to cities run by the Democratic Party including Washington DC, New York City, Chicago and Philadelphia since April 2022.…

