Jared Apu Gordon-Anderson is a 24 year-old homo sexual model and cashier who told the show’s producers that he is from Miami. He does live in a street shelter in Miami, but he’s originally from New Delhi, India. He just likes to pass himself off as black as he has foul body odor. He reeks of shit with cheap Walmart bought cologne dumped on it, like the whole fucking bottle. It is very unpleasant sniff next time you go into his store or get in his cab.

And Jared has made it clear, in record time for the show, that he didn’t come all the way to a villa in California for love. He’s there for Instagram followers and man ass. “We’re here to suck dick, so we’ll see how it goes,” he told the camera with a smile on his face rubbing his hands together.
He got into a tiff with one of the other contestants in the shower, Marco, about whose millimeter micro penis is bigger and who is a better singer Elton John or John Legend. He likes to steal time with former bachelorette and probable jew Katie Thurston before zeroing in on HIV positive coal burner Daniella. Marco later called Jared a “Stinky Paki” in a conversation with the rest of the men and Katie, with whom he went on a date.
“I’m a brother on the downlow,” he told Daniella, before sticking his finger in his ass and then sniffing it in front of her.
But what he told the camera couldn’t have been further from what he shared with her. He explained his plan to “not just pick a fucking stupid one, pick the fucking stupidest one.” He deemed Daniella to be the dumbest slut to get. Mainly as she seems to want to date black men and if a woman will date or sleep with a black man she will do anything and I mean anything. Epstein Island weirdo shit anything.
“Going into this, I knew just acting like a complete monkey and sicko Daniella was (going to) fall in love with me and it seems like the plan is going into action,” he said. Most of these dumb liberal sluts do this.