On two separate occasions in 2023, Anthony tricked two men into believing they were talking to a hot white woman with big tits online, and invited them over to his Toronto home to have anonymous sex through a glory hole in a sheet hanging in a doorway. The ruse came to an end when the second man pulled the sheet down to find Anthony cowering on the ground in a black wig and a huge vibrating butt plug in his ass. He was later arrested.
Ontario Court Justice Judy convicted the 36-year-old aspiring rapper of two counts of sexual assault, given that the victims had been misled about the identity of their sexual partner. On Friday, she sentenced him to 28 months in prison — 14 months for each count. He’ll also be on the Liberal parties voter registry for the next 10 years.

“It is funny fucking shit and shows the lengths that wiggers who listen to rap music will go to get white pussy or any pussy that isn’t black for that matter,” Justice Judy said. “But could they not smell Anthony’s stinky ass fumes coming off him when they entered the door? Are they fucking retarded” Judy added.
In her previous decision convicting Anthony last September, Justice Judy found that the two victims believed they were talking online with a woman and were going over to her home for a “glory hole scenario,” that is, a hole in a wall — or other material — through which people can engage in typically anonymous sex. Which to a normal person sounds weird but these idiots act like wiggers. One apparently thinks he is Polynesian and the whitest fucking kid ever. The other guy speaks like he is from some foreign country with that accent yet claims to be Canadian🙄🤔
As instructed, the loser victims walked into the home and put their fucking dicks inside a hole in a sheet hanging in a doorway. Oral sex was performed, and then it became penetration without warning, which both victims believed was anal (which it was). Their identities are covered by a standard publication ban. But just to be assholes we will display the two victims below.