Ron MacLean says “Women have been faking the pain of periods for years. I am here to expose their cramp fucking lies”

The historic much needed appointment of a man as Canada’s first “period dignity officer” has provoked widespread praise, especially from Canada’s flaming gay faggot fucking leader Justin Trudeau.
Critics say the job should have gone to a more qualified candidate like Omar Alaghbra because he knows periods better and is a huge fan of the TV show Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. But appointing Ron MacLean though in most peoples eyes is fucking perfect.
Mr MacLean, a former respected Canadian, has been given the job of promoting access to free sanitary products in schools and colleges across Canada.

The role also includes discussing issues around the menopause, inserting the tampons and or maxi pads in what ever hole you want, and talk about putting as many tampon machines in boys bathrooms as possible, on in every individual toilet.
His appointment comes as Canada becomes the first country in the world to introduce a law to widen access, free of charge (via straight white males tax dollars), to unlimited amounts of sanitary products. In a perfect world and soon MacLean will have speedy express delivery of menstral products direct to the door and in the hand of trans gendered citizens. They will be delivered in gold plated boxes also. Paid for by white straight male tax dollars of course.😜👍🏳️🌈

The Canada Government’s Period Products Act means that councils and places of education must make items, such as tampons, free to people who need them whenever they need them. Especially if needed for anal relief. This Ron has brought up is to fight racism via climate change and promoting Black history all year long instead of just in February. Ron claims that once you understand the true blackness of his African roots you too then will be able to see the need for Tampons in every place needed.
Mr MacLean’s job title is Period Dignity Regional Lead Officer, the first role of its kind in Cananda.

Crusty Freeland, a skank and thief for Justin Trudeau, told “It’s great that Canada is the first country in the world to offer free period products – thanks largely to the fact that we have flooded the country full of shit skin immigrants who could care less what the fuck we do. We just give those idiots white peoples money😆😆Freeland who her herself will not use them, as her vagina fucking stinks and she likes it that way.
“Ron has said being a man will help him with the job as men are at least 5 times smarter than any fucking woman. He knows this from first hand experience as he works with Cassie Campbell. He feels that it is time to normalise topics like menstruation and menopause along with just being flat out fucking gay when ever you want.
“Women have been faking and exaggerating the pain of periods for years” said MacLean. “It is lies like that of the period that turned me off of women at a young age and made me the proud gay black man that you see today” he added with a stern look.
According to a press release from Pride Canada, Mr MacLean will be employed by a “project team” comprising of Chip N’ Dale dancers and street prostitutes arrested from Vancouvers lower east side.