“This is where great Survivors are made. This is where legends are made. Jelinsky is a legend.” —Jelinsky

There were “several” fucking reasons to watch the fucking Survivor 46 season fucking premiere. For most faggots with sexual convictions, Joe Biden Supporters, and fat chicks it is undeniable that David Jelinsky was at the heart of many of those reasons. He really does look like he is the leader of Antifa in Portland or something.🤡🤣
Jelinsky — who insisted on being called by his last name in homage to his idol and the man he masterbates to daily Ukrainian King Pin Faggot, liar, and thief Volodymyr Zelenskyy. There he was on the puzzles for both the challenges looking like the homo Jew he is. There he was taking on the Sweat task fucking that up just like Jews do to America daily. There he was on on the Journey sticking his finger up his butt hole because he thought no one was looking. There he was as the star of the season’s first Tribal Council getting laughed at by a bunch of black immigrants who in all reality are more useful than he ever could be. Unfortunately for Jelinsky, none of those things went particularly well. To make things even worse, he shit his drawers, lost his free water bottle (which his black tribe members wrote swastikas on or so he claims), and was allergic to working.

As a direct fucking result of all of that, Jew Jelinksy✡️ was unanimously fucking voted out of his tribe on day three, and as a punctuation mark on his epic run of futility, none of his tribemates even spelled his faggot fucking name right on their parchment😢😢 One of Mailyourpoo.com’s reporters caught Jelinsky when Jelinsky was high on meth heading to some Gay Bar with a bag full of boner pills. He asked him a few questions.
Mailyourpoo.com: You have to be the biggest faggot (next to Chet) that has ever played on survivor.

JELINSKY: I know. And I stand by the LGBTQ and Trans Community, man. We got to start a petition. I’ve seen a little bit in my DMs. This is not a new thing in the world, I’m just bringing light to it. So I’m speaking for the people and we’re making a change.
So fucking what! Faggot Jew Jelinsky got the boot last night on fucking Survivor. What a fag.
And don’t get me started on his laziness. I’ve seen Chet move faster than him on those challenges. He probably thought “hard work” was the name of a new throbbing cock he would insert in his ass at the gay bar. Like most white people Jelinsky just blamed the black guy for his failures. Which in most instances are valid excuses for people. This time is definitely not the case.
Since returning to Las Vegas Jelinsky now has to wear Sandals at the gay bath houses as he developed a nasty foot fungus while on the island. Like the fucking racist that he is he claims that he got the disease from all the black people he was with on the island.