Age: 31
Hometown: Miami, Fla.
Current residence: Miami, Fla.
Occupation: Gay Male Prostitute
Name three of your favorite hobbies: Shitting in my overalls and walking around with lumpy shit in there all day, tugging my dick on the beach, and taking pictures of old ladies while they use the toilet.
List three adjectives that best describe yourself: Awesome, Horny, Gay Proud
How would your friends describe you? Fucking look at me do you think I have any fucking friends? Next question.
What risks have you taken in your life, to make a change for the better, even if the outcome wasn’t planned? I quit having sex with strange men at the Greyhound Station for money. I found that once I stopped that the sores on my mouth came less frequent and shit didn’t leak out my asshole from it being torn wide open all the time.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being a camp counselor at Never Land Ranch and being the Late Michael Jackson’s right hand man. God that man loved kids. Like I mean he really loved kids.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? I steal luggage from the airports and blame black people for it. I find it funny and it thins out the herd as personally I hate blacks.
What past Survivor would you play the game most like? Chet Welch and its not even fucking close. I have had a crush on that guy since I was in grade school. When most kids were jerking off to porn I was tugging my meat to my huge poster of Chet that hangs above my bed still to this day. I pray to meet him one day.