The city of Los Angeles is taking action to clean up the streets but what about the grocery stores? Shoppers at a Safeway in the Bill Cosby District got a disturbing surprise over the weekend.
Ed Brown, a San Diego resident visiting Los Angeles, was at the Safeway when he spotted a man pooping in one of the aisles. The somewhat black man who went by the name “Rob” was squatting right in the middle of the aisle with his teeth clenched trying to pinch out a steamy brown butt biscut right on the floor. He was grunting and yelling in screams of joy. Almost like he was having an orgasm.

An opened package of toilet paper is seen in the photos sitting near the man.
Ed told mailyourpoo.com he saw the man go into a nearby Starbucks to talk about liberal arts when he was finished. Mailyourpoo.com has reached out to Safeway for a statement, but have not yet heard back, because they said we are a racist homophobic website who should be nicer to black people.
This story comes as Los Angeles deals with a growing amount of human waste complaints. It has rose dramatically ever since governor Gavin Newsome erected a statue of Will Smith outside city Hall. Now people think they can do what ever the fuck they want.

Los Angeles even has a poop patrol, trans gendered staff members who clean up human waste around the city to show their support for Joe Biden and the Ukraine. The 90 day fiance Universe has had its fair share of fucking losers and faggots. Even the poorest losers have fucking bathrooms. This guy, NO BATHROOM. When Ed (who has no neck and or dick) went to a 3rd world country and stayed with a very very poor family in the Philippines, guess what? They had a fucking bathroom😆😆😆😆😆
Throughout the city, 911 has received more than 25,000 shit complaints this year alone, with the majority of the shitters being illegal immigrants from Africa. They are getting the highest number of calls as it is their culture and we must accept it. Rob though however just shits outside because he thinks it is gangster and all the rap stars like Drake and Justin Bieber rap about it along with guns and make him think he can too to be cool.

“This is a national embarrassment, it is also many communities a disgusting, public health crisis, no one should be able to walk about and see poop smeared all over the place, no one should live in these conditions. It is not funny,” Ed Brown said. Ed pointed out what we already know that if the blacks left this would stop.
Rob has stated that it is his god given right to shit outside. And he use to be kings and once he gets reparations he still will not get a bathroom as bathrooms are a form of white supremacy and need to be dismantled.
He claims it is the reason why the toilet is white and the poo is brown. It is like him as a brown man is getting flushed down the tubes of white society. RACIST CRACKERS.