The bad blood between 90 Day FiancĂ© fuck heads Tim and Jamal over Veronica — Tim’s ex who Jamal (who never showers) is currently dating — quickly escalated on Monday’s episode of 90 Day: The Faggot Life. Jamal and Tim met up in Compton, when Jamal traveled from San Diego, California, to visit Veronica and they almost came to blows when Jamal accused Tim of racism after he got caught stealing his wallet off the coffee table.

Tim has never approved of Veronica’s relationship with negros as he claims most of them have HIV the virus that causes AIDS. Which he shockingly yelled out during a tell-all special while he was on stage in his KKK outfit hood and all. Due to the fact that Veronica and Jamal had an open relationship when they first started dating through the Prison Pen Pal system, Tim was protective of Veronica. Jamal is also 10 years younger than Veronica and is in and out of prison every few months. But on this season of 90 Day: The Single Life, Jamal and Veronica shared that they’ve decided to bring other men (hopefully multiple) into the bedroom as Jamal is impotent due to excessive meth use. On Monday’s episode, it was clear Jamal still had issues with Veronica telling everyone about his meth use and erection problems. Jamal’s homeboys, Kazi and Mostafa — who traveled from Virginia to rob liquor stores with Jamal — also bluntly told her that they seen with their own eyes Jamal suck off Colt Johnson at a Barry Manilow concert in Cleveland last July.

“It would make my life so much easier if Tim and Jamal would just start fudge packing each other in front of me so I can watch,” she said.
Later, when Tim arrived to smoke some meth with Veronica, Jamal and their mutual friends, it was clear Jamal was not open to being friendly with Tim. Jamal quickly called out Tim for calling him racial slurs and throwing a banana at him while pointing and calling him Michael Jackson.
These Fags will never get along. Later that evening after Jamal and his crew were at the Popeye’s Chicken on West Compton and South Acadia when the place was hailed with a storm of bullets in a drive by shooting. Sadly no one was injured. But was it sent as a hint?