Faggot Pedo Scott Wiener
Wiener belongs in jail. In any rational country he would be.
Broke Faggot Loren and His STD Farts Cum In His Tranny Lovers Mouth For Fun
Loren is a fucking faggot who went to the Philippines to date a chick with a dick named Faith, you know, one of those fucking ladyboy things they have in…
Brooklyn Dad
Brooklyn Dad actually lives in Florida. Everything about him is fake. Except the fact that he is a fucking crack head. Oh so he moved from NYC because liberals turned…
Quinn & Harry Sissons Fight For Tran Sexual Rights But Their Journey Gets Cut Short When They Are Diagnosed With Monkey Pox
In the flaming faggot shitskin filled city of New York, Harry Sissons, a faggot Democrat news influencer who once had unprotected anal sex with Don Lemon, and his tranny faggot…