Something tells us 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days African Negro Chidi never loved that fucking nagging bitch Rayne Fernandez and had ulterior motives to date the crazy fucking slut. Rayne is a single whore of two children she doesn’t know the father of from New Mexico. Rayne had welcomed two kids from two different relationships but had never experienced feelings of being wanted (because she is a nasty pig) until she met Chidi (who is blind). You see those 2 guys paid Rayne bus fare to fuck them back when she was a crack whore hooker on the streets of Albuquerque where she worked for Heisenbergs assistant Jessie Pinkman slinging Crystal Meth to support her habit. Rayne served time also in New Mexico Women’s federal Prison where she grown to realize she had a lesbian side to her also. “I love Muff Diving In my Spare Time” Rayne says chuckling with her jizz stained covered overalls.

Chidi’s own father although not in Chidi’s life almost ever and he never paid child support had advise about Rayne. He told Chidi that him and some space brothers from his hip hop group in the future on a space ship gang raped the bitch alot. Spok use to give her ass to mouth on a daily basis. He warned Chidi to stay away as Rayne is the reason that he contracted Space Herpes in his rectum. Chidi discovered who is father was when he was the 78th negro buck tested for paternity on the Maury Show.
Everyone at the fucking gay bar was kind of amazed that Chidi and Rayne had known each other for five years from Only Fans where Rayne would shove assorted fruits and vegetables up her asshole while fucking multiple strange elderly men at the same time. But Chidi was blind so she sent him pictures in braille to jerk off to. They only decided to meet when the show said they would front the bill for Rayne’s flight to niggerland. Ryane spends all her spare money on crystal meth.

One can assume that, as her internet African boyfriend of five years, Chidi should have known about Rayne’s love for street drugs. It wasn’t like she didn’t have track marks on her arms or scabs on her face, but Rayne had 130 men lined up one night outside her bedroom to take turns fucking her so she could break a Guinness Book of World Record. Chidi sat in the closet and listened to it jerking off with what he thought was a tube of vaseline but was actually rubber cement. After all the men made a canyon out of Rayne’s asshole. Chidi was forced to clean up the mess and then he was chained back outside in the field to pick cotton until he needs to be reminded via whip to pick some more.