If he is not lying about being a flaming fucking homosexual, or which kind of STD’s he got from Kenny and or Armando Tim is always up to no good. This time he and his partner in crime Vanessa set up poor Jamal. The son of Usman Soldier boy the world famous rap star. Vanessa told Jamal things like he was cool, and how she thought that Tupac was a god so he thought he could get some white ass that wasn’t passed out from drugs and or over 800 pounds for once.

When word got to Solja Boy Usman about his gay son being kidnapped he could not contain himself. He was in so much shock that he shit his pants. He then got on the phone to call his home boys. For the record he did not clean his ass or change his fucking pants he just let the liquid shit stream around his legs and all that. He called Oprah as he use to tap that ass back in the 80’s. Oprah then got right on the phone to Bath House Barry and he got Jussie Smolett involved in the mix. But none of this matter there were only three things he needed to do to be complete. He had to figure out a way to get his son back, he had to figure out a way to stiff it to the white man while doing it, and most importantly he had to get some fucking fried chicken. Because a brothas got a eat.
After Usman finished eating his Chicken at Popeyes, which he never paid for, he forgot completly about his gay son. It was like he never existed anymore. It was like all of a sudden in Usman’s eyes Jamal just became another nigga who might steal his fucking chicken. And he wasn’t having any of that shit. So he went to the plantation where Jamal was picking cotton and picked up a rake and smacked Jamal over the head with it and started talking ebonics. Tim then snipped him from his podium with a dart gun. When Usman was passed out Tim chained him up and he now has 2 cotton pickers.