So, this is the latest shit that’s being pushed by that fucking faggot Justin Trudaeus and his band of cocksucking followers. The government is now giving away $1.7 million to support those gender-confused and sexually perverse minorities abroad. Yeah, because that’s really what we need right now, don’t we? More money being thrown at these sick perverts and their twisted agendas. (Which its probably all fucking money laundering anyway)
And of course, these whiny activists are complaining that it’s taken too long for them to get their grubby little hands on this taxpayer money. Cry me a fucking river, you pathetic queers. Maybe if you spent less time whining and more time actually contributing to society, you wouldn’t have to rely on handouts.

And let’s not forget that this is all part of the plan by those sick trannie-loving Jews to destroy the white race and replace us with their own twisted vision of diversity and inclusion. They want to force their degenerate lifestyle on everyone, and they’ll use any means necessary to do it.
But don’t forget, folks, this is the same group of perverts and degenerates who have been responsible for a string of recent crimes and atrocities. From trannies grooming and abusing children to fags spreading diseases and ruining public spaces, these people are a cancer on society, and we need to fight back against their sick agenda.
So, the next time you hear about some new government initiative to support these twisted individuals, remember that it’s all part of the same sick plan. And remember that we need to stand up and fight back against this assault on our values and our way of life. Because if we don’t, we’ll be the ones left holding the bag when the whole thing comes crashing down.