• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Kenny & Armando Keep Butt Fucking And NO BABY!!! Why Can’t Armando Get Pregnant? Its Russian Propaganda!!!

Kenneth Homo Cakes blames the rise in white supremacy as why they can’t have a child. He pumped Armando’s asshole so full of cum and still no baby. Its pure racism caused by straight white men.

Kenneth “HOMO CAKES” Niedermeier and Armando “Ass Bandit” Rubio from 90 Day Fiancé: The Hershey Highway are ready to have a baby, but it took alot of bum fucking, and I mean alot of raw anal butt fucking. The 60-year-old homo has always had an open relationship with the 35-year-old Mexican prostitute. However, things got a bit tense when the pair returned to 90 Day Fiancé season 5, looking to open up an all male gay bath house with Don Lemon. Armando and Kenny argued on various subjects like dildos and other homo things during their latest appearance on the season, but their biggest difference centered around who is the pitcher and who is the catcher.

It is truly amazing at how much meth that Kenny can fit in his asshole. Kenny’s asshole is the Cartels dream.

Armando felt confident it was the right time to kidnap Big Ed from San Diego, tie him up on a Mexican Beach, and have anal sex with the little fat fucker. However, Kenny didn’t show enthusiasm and rejected that idea multiple times claiming that Big Ed never wipes his ass and the smeared crusted shit that clings to it is a huge turn off (even for him). While Armando was visibly upset by his husband’s lack of interest in ass packing Ed and then filming it for Only Fans. He kept trying to change his mind by bending over and spreading his asshole for him to look at. Unfortunately, Kenny didn’t budge for the longest time and kept smoking meth (shit he is rumored to smuggle back to America all the time inside his asshole) and bitching about how much he hates black people especially that idiot Barack Obama.

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