90 Day Fiancé star Seungdo Ham aka Nick from season 10 doesn’t GIVE A FUCK ABOUT the effects his fat-shaming comments could be having on Devin Hoofman’s mental health. “She can smoke crack to cope with the shit” Nick yelled at the bitch asking the questions. Nick then got up and flexed his muscles and laughed at all the losers beside him on stage.
Nick is from South Korea where they don’t put up with fat fucks or transexuals like that blonde goblin freak on stage. But Nick was in Australia looking for cats to eat when he met Devin on Tinder as he was getting sick of paying for hookers to get white pussy. Nick and Devin dated for two years before she decided to go back to Searcy, Arkansas, because she was missing her home and there was better meth in Arkansas than in fucking Australia. They thought a long-distance relationship wasn’t feasible as he also has sex with men behind her back, so Devin and Nick applied for his K-1 visa. Season 10 documented Nick and Devin taking the blessings of his family before he moved to America. Due to the fact that Nick is from South Korea and not one of the more pathetic countries that are full of Muslims or Blacks they let him in as he is actually somewhat useful.

Nick was scared about Searcy since he noticed he was the only Asian person around minus the guy that owned the Chinese food store (Nick hates fucking chinks with a passion and often lashes out violently towards them, like people do in Jackie Chan movies). He tried to do a couple of home invasions in Arkansas but them fucking Hillbillies are high on meth and all have shot guns. However, Nick had failed to make a good impression on Devin’s family when he was high, pawned all Devin’s mothers jewelry for drug money, and their pet cat went missing. While the 30-year-old did get assimilated quickly into the family, his observations about Devin’s body and assumptions about American people in general have left Devin’s family feeling shocked and concerned about her relationship. He was very pushy on Devin getting a pair of DD tits and going to work as a stripper.