Cocaine and Meth addiction, a bout of unfettered paranoia and the “callous and humiliating” handcuffing of a Mexican four eyed male escort saw Gino jailed for 15 months today. It was the latest chapter in a saga that has seen the 90 Day Fiance star and gay hardcore adult entertainer metamorphose from a factory worker with an annoying spic wife into an absolute monster. The 54-year-old herpes patient showed little emotion as his barrister outlined the mitigating circumstances in the case, speaking of the “world of paranoia” his fucking faggot client had inhabited and the “sordid and salacious” depths to which he had sunk.

Gino had been found guilty last month of falsely imprisoning Armando, a 34-year-old escort and faggot whom he had met at the beginning of 2007 through the Joe Biden Fan Club social networking website. The jury was told that when the two men got together in January that year. They had a shower together, played dick swords, then bum darts, and recorded the whole thing and posted it to YouTube. The videos showed them butt fucking and smoking meth and laughing while blaming all their problems and the reason they can’t get people to take them seriously on Trump’s evil racism.

Armando said that he received a number of “bizarre” and accusatory emails from Gino over the next two months, but agreed to see him again after the Faggot apologized for fucking his pet dog last month at a party. When the two met at Gino’s pad that he shared with his ex-lover rap star Eminem in Detroit on 27 April, they again took crack/cocaine and Armando participated in a naked photo session where they rammed assorted vegetables up eachother rectums and rapped about the struggles African Americans face daily.
It was only when he was invited into the bedroom that the escort realized that something was wrong. Armando said that the atmosphere changed when Gino returned to the room with a Machete, duct tape, and a shovel. Gino told him: “Now you’re going to get what you deserve.” Armando said he was then beaten and handcuffed to a wall fixture while Gino produced a box of leather straps, chains and sex toys.
The Judge laughed and sentenced Gino to some jail time so he could get some more Butt Sex on the tax payers dime. That will show the white man. As well as sentencing him to 15 months imprisonment, the judge ordered Gino to pay some of his drug money towards costs. He made no ruling on compensation for Armando, saying “Who Cares about that faggot”.