• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Deaf Matt & His Turban Top Gay Lover Jag Tag Team Big Black Betty And Film It For You Tube Videos: These Perverts Need To Be Stopped

When Felicia Was Sleeping Matt Stuck His Wiener In Her Mouth And Jag Took A Picture Then They High Fived and Both Of Them Proceeded To Urinate On A Sleeping Felicia For Their Youtube Video Titled “Piss On That Annoying Fat Black Bitch In The House”.

Due to the fact that Matt is deaf and can not hear very well he has already pissed off everyone in the fucking house. Its not only the food chewing with his mouth open it is mainly him yelling “Jag Pack My Ass” or “Stick Your Balls In My Mouth” really late at night. Not even the time of night it is the fact that it is EVERY FUCKING NIGHT!!! Most if not all deaf people are rude, selfish, inconsiderate, stinky, racist, and hate small animals like puppies and kittens. Especially the cute ones. Why they are like this no one knows it is probably because they are deaf.

In His Culture It Is Justifiable To Make Up Excuses To Have Sex With Whales That Resemble Oprah

The people who wear Turbans are just like their brothers the deaf people. Lots of people don’t know this but the hindus invented deafness back before Gandhi was president. Deafness was used for a punishment for homosexuals in India. When men were found out to be faggots the Indian Police would grab an Airhorn and ram it up to the homos ear and blow it so it ruptured their ear drums and made them deaf. Now their are rumors that people rammed their dicks in the ears of people to make them deaf. Now as funny as that would be if it were true, we all know it can not be true as Indian men have such small penises that they could not puncture an ear drum.

One night in the Big Brother House late at night Jag and Matt were tired of having gay sex on the couch outside in front of that dolt Bowie Jean they got bored. So they went inside to smoke crack in the bathroom. They got to talking and thought it would be funny as fuck if they both had sex with Felicia at the same time. It didn’t matter if she wanted to or not they were going to do it and film it for their youtube channel. I would post a link to the video that these sick fucks made but it is way to gross even for this sites standards. But I can give you a little insight on it.

It started out with Jag dressing up like a Chicken and Matt cranking the Popeyes theme song on a boom box. Felicia busted through the wall like the fucking Kool Aid man. What turned out to be the two fags tagging the fat bitch she was the one who ended up raping the shit out of them. Turns out Felicia’s dick is at least 5 times the size of theirs (which isn’t as impressive as it sounds). She tore their assholes so far apart their was blood all over the big fucking brother house. She is trying to pull the Rodney King/ George Floyd get something for free trick here. Yes what Jag and Matt were going to do was wrong. But DO 2 WRONGS REALLY MAKE A RIGHT?

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