Stephen King Is A Fruit Cake Liberal Faggot Who Looks Like Rosie O’Donnell
Stephen King is a smelly, yeast-infected, diseased vagina, resembling that grotesque, fat, ugly bulldyke Rosie O’Donnell. They’re identical, it’s absolutely revolting. This so-called author is a talentless hack whose books…
Faggot Pedo Scott Wiener
Wiener belongs in jail. In any rational country he would be.
Brooklyn Dad
Brooklyn Dad actually lives in Florida. Everything about him is fake. Except the fact that he is a fucking crack head. Oh so he moved from NYC because liberals turned…
Trudaeus’ $1.7M Handout to Global Faggots: A Vulgar Look at the Perverted Agenda
So, this is the latest shit that’s being pushed by that fucking faggot Justin Trudaeus and his band of cocksucking followers. The government is now giving away $1.7 million to…