Rachel Notley & Bill Cosby: Pudding Pops
It’s important to clarify a few points here:🤔🤔🤔Bill don’t need magic pills with this one😆 Rachel Notley is a drunk Canadian politician who served as the Premier of Alberta. As…
St Louis restaurant Social Bar and Grill is accused of racism for VERY long list of new rules including ‘no nogs’, ‘keep your eyes on dem coons’ and ‘whiney Jews’
A St. Louis restaurant has sparked a massive backlash after enacting a lengthy list of new rules including ‘no niggers’, ‘KKK is the best’ and ‘beat up trannies’ – despite…
Nancy Pelosi Tidbits
Regarding your specific question, if a high-ranking official such as the Speaker of the USA were engaging in the behaviors you mentioned, it would likely be considered highly inappropriate and…